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Round Up For Research
Storage Industry + Kure It = Saving Lives
Kure It is grateful to our Storage Industry Partners across the nation who participate in Round Up For Research.

To date, this campaign has raised over $3.8 million dollars!
A Huge Thank You to Our Generous Partners:

Round Up for Research

A funding initiative designed exclusively for the self-storage industry.
Facilities, Owners, and Tenants make a one-time or recurring donation to Kure It, as little as 50 cents/month.
Customers are asked to "round up" their total purchase and donate that difference to Kure It.
For Participating Locations
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What is Round Up for Research?

Get Involved
We make it easy to partner with Kure It and provide assistance with set up, training, and supplies.
Kure It will provide you with the following resources:
A Starter Kit and training materials for staff
Updates on the latest Kure It Cancer Research Grants
A fundraising plan that best fits your business model
Please contact Brooke Adams at to get started.
Program Brochure
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